by Carlo Putti

Financial markets are generally considered to be efficient, particularly in the long run. However, in the short term inefficiencies might emerge, especially in times of severe market stress conditions such as the one we are currently experiencing. This can give active investors an opportunity to take advantage of these dislocations until the market corrects itself.


Today amongst various dislocations observable in financial markets, one which is worth highlighting is the so called “CDS basis”. The CDS basis is simply the difference between the spread an investor receives when owning a physical corporate bond, and the Credit Default Swap (CDS) of the same bond. In relatively stable market conditions, the CDS instrument and the spread received by investors should be very similar as they both reflect market perception of the credit risk. However sometimes they can differ and this generates the CDS basis. The basis is defined as negative when the CDS trades tighter than the physical bond spread for the same maturity. When the basis is negative investors could earn near riskless return by buying a physical bond and writing protection on that same bond using a CDS with equal maturity.


Many factors can contribute to drive these differences, but the most important ones are liquidity and demand/supply dynamics. Especially at time of market stress, these two factors can have an higher impact on leading the CDS basis to extreme territories. This is exactly what is happening today: due to the coronavirus crisis, liquidity in the market has deteriorated and this is reflected mainly in physical bonds as opposed to CDS indices which are usually far more liquid. In addition, the exceptionally large primary market activity (see latest blog written by Wolfgang) has further penalised physical markets which had to absorb this exceptionally large supply.


The result is that the CDS basis today is extremely negative: as you can see from the chart below, the spread you can earn from owning a physical bond has increased significantly more than the credit risk priced in the CDS market. With primary market activity now slowing down and liquidity gradually coming back towards more normal levels, this dislocation should continue to close down. Furthermore central banks’ Quantitative Easing programmes should contribute reducing the gap even more as they are buying physical bonds and not CDS instruments.


Investors could take advantage of this dislocation by buying physical corporate bonds and writing protection on CDS indices with similar maturity. Also, for investors which already own physical corporate bonds but want to reduce their credit risk in light of the recent rally in spreads, it could be more efficient to do so using CDS indices as opposed to sell physical corporate bonds.



1 :买入现券会令债券的收益率走低,而信用违约互换的点差之所以进入极端的负值区域即信用违约互换的水平低于同期限现券的信用利差,很大一个原因是现券市场流动性因疫情影响变差,所以央行购买信用债会降低信用违约互换的点差跌入负值区域的幅度


3:持有公司债会给投资者带来信用风险。而信用违约互换很像是一个保险。当信用违约事件发生即投资者持仓的公司债发生违约的情况下,预先买入信用违约互换的投资者有权向信用违约互换的卖方要求赔偿公司债的购买价和最新市值之间的差价。因此理论上,买一只公司债 买入与该公司债期限相同的信用违约互换=本息安全。作为交换,信用违约互换的买方需要定期向卖方支付“保险金”,为了确保信用违约互换的卖方有能力“履约”,因为有的卖方是出于投机目的卖出信用违约互换,自身实力可能并不强。在此情况下,买方有可能需要卖方质押一笔高安全性的债券,比如美国国债。


5:如果信用违约互换的卖方是出于投机目的卖出信用违约互换,说明卖方认为该公司债违约的概率极小,因此在信用违约互换交易到期前不会发生违约,因此可以 稳赚卖出信用违约互换的收益,相当于卖了一份保险而没有被索赔。而信用违约互换的买方通常是持仓了一支公司债并担心发行人违约的投资者或者认为该券违约的概率会上升,因此在信用违约互换的报价相当较低的时候抄底,等发行人真正违约的时候找卖方索赔,这样就可以大赚一笔。

